Department of Mechanical Engineering | Saraswati College of Engineering

                Mechanical Engineering envisages the development, design, manufacturing and maintenance of machinery. The present age demands Mechanical Engineering specialists who have the capacity of adaptability and creativity in the new technical areas.

                Mechanical Engineers should have knowledge not only in their own specialized fields but also in wide interdisciplinary fields as well. To meet the above requirements Mechanical Engineering department offers the UG course in Mechanical Engineering.

Short Term goals :
  • To develop a temperament for research and quality among the students during the laboratory/analytical work and participation in various kinds of seminars.
  • To enable Mechanical graduates to develop skill sets to create, mange, test and maintain the mechanical systems.
  • Conducting courses in continuing education programme with the aim of resource generation.
  • With syllabus revised to impart an excellent top class training and education in mechanical.
  • Strengthening the activities of mechanical engineering students association (MESA).
  • Activation of alumni association.
  • Membership of Professional bodies in Mechanical Engineering.

  • Long Term Goals :
  • Enhancing industry institute interaction (one to one).
  • To strengthen the research and consultancy activity in the department.
  • To establish a center of excellence in education for UG and PG Programmes.